General Painting Tips
"Preventing Weak Links in a Chain"
A good paint job is like a chain, it's only
as strong as it's weakest link. The first link is between
the metal and the primer. The second link is between the
primer and the paint.
A common
misconception I have heard from many people is that they don't
want hard paints because they chip easily. Hard paints don't
chip more easily than softer paints -- they chip less easily --
but only if they have been applied properly over the appropriate
primer. You must have a good bond between the primer and the metal
as well as the primer and the paint. Only then will you
get a strong chip free finish.
motors are made almost exclusively from aluminum because it's
lightweight and low priced. As most of most of us know,
aluminum is more corrosion resistant than steel. Almost
as soon as it is bared to the atmosphere an oxide layer forms
on the aluminum. This layer is very thin and invisible to the
naked eye. It is this oxide layer that gives the aluminum
its corrosion resistance and at the same time makes it difficult
to get good paint adhesion.
- Link #1
- To get a good bond with aluminum a "self
etching primer", also known as an 'acid etching primer",
is needed. The etching primer eats through the oxide layer
and bonds with the aluminum preventing further oxidation. Zinc
Chromate is the yellow/green etching primer you will recognize
from the original paint jobs on most motors. Chromate's
are banned in many places because of their toxicity. There are
modern less toxic alternatives. If you can't find Zinc Chromate
ask for a "Self Etching Primer". I have had good
results with Mar-Hyde's Single Stage Self Etching Primer. Epoxy
primers do a very good job of bonding to metals, and those meant
for aluminum have Chromate's added. R.M.'s EP589 is a chromated
epoxy primer.
- Link #2
There are many different kinds of primers available. One
important thing to know about any primer is the "No Sand
Time". The primer I use has a no sand time of 8 hours.
This means that if I paint before 8 hours I don't have
to sand before painting. If I wait longer than 8 hours
I must sand first or the paint will not get a good bond with
the primer.
- Some of the cheaper aerosol primers available
from places like Canadian Tire and UAP/NAPA have no sand times
of zero. This means that they must be sanded before painting.
These kinds of primers are not a good choice for painting outboards
because there are many spots on an outboard that are hard or
impossible to sand. An easy way to determine if your primer
has a no sand time is to do a test spray. Once it has dried look
closely at the surface -- if it has some gloss it can be painted
without sanding. If it is flat, glossless and rough looking
it must be sanded before painting. This is not exactly
a scientific approach but just something I have observed after
trying many different types of primers. The Mar-Hyde primer
I mentioned earlier has a no sand time of 36 hours. This
leaves plenty of time to do any filling of cracks and gouges
etc, before painting. It comes in aerosols and quarts and
works very well on aluminum.
Another common misconception I hear is that all old outboards
were painted with lacquer paint. Some were painted with
lacquer but not all of them were. I have documentation
from OMC showing the use of an acrylic enamel two times to one
over the use of lacquer. I asked the technical representative
at BASF how to tell which paint was on an old motor. He
said that anything painted with lacquer that was over 25 years
old will have spider cracks running all through the paint. If
your motor doesn't have these cracks than it is probably has
acrylic enamel paint.(see example)
Notice the cracks in the decal which is made from Lacquer. You
will notice the paint does not have these cracks, therefore it
is not Lacquer paint.
Lacquer paint has been banned from commercial use because it
dries by solvent evaporation and to be sprayed it is reduced
by 100%. A gallon of ready-to-spray paint has an equal
amount of paint and reducer. That's a lot of pollution
going up into the atmosphere. Enamel paint dries by oxygen
absorption and requires relatively much less reducer. You
may have heard of some spray guns being referred to as "HVLP".
This means "High Volume Low Pressure". Guns
are rated according to their transfer rate. This is a measure
of how much of the paint that comes out of the gun actually ends
up on the part to be painted. A conventional gun operating
at about 50psi has a transfer rate of about 35%. That means
that for every gallon of paint sprayed out of the gun only about
a quart and a half ends up on the part, car or whatever. That
is not very efficient and it is also very polluting.
To be granted the rating of HVLP a gun must have a transfer rate
of at least 65%. Some go as high as 85%. Most operate
at about 30psi at the gun. This all adds up to a savings
of at least 50% on your painting costs. For someone who
will only paint the odd thing it probably won't justify changing
equipment, besides, buying a new gun you may also have to buy
a hose with a larger inner diameter and possibly change connectors
(again to get a larger ID). If you have no equipment and
are considering purchasing some, going HVLP will certainly pay
off in a relatively short time.
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